Aberdeen Z

Aberdeen Z

horse, Zangersheide riding horse, Stallion (approved), 2018

rimondo Insights

Aberdeen Z, a promising Zangersheide stallion born in 2018, has already achieved remarkable success in international show jumping at the young age of seven. Under the skilled rider Philipp Hartmann, Aberdeen Z has secured over 18 placings, including a victory in an international M*-level jumping competition. These achievements highlight his exceptional suitability for show jumping.

Although his first offspring are only expected to compete in tournaments this year, his lineage promises great potential. His sire, Aganix du Seigneur, is a proven sire with over 370 offspring, while his dam, Cascada VI, hails from the renowned Holsteiner line. The dam's sire, Canturo, has left his mark in breeding with over 850 offspring.

Aberdeen Z represents a promising future in both breeding and sport, and it remains exciting to watch how his progeny will develop.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Aberdeen Z

Hengststation Ludger Beerbaum Stables GmbH

Ab sofort wird die volle Decktaxe nur bei der Geburt eines Fohlens fällig! Als besonderen Service in der Saison 2023 teilen wir die Decktaxe für alle Hengste mit Frischsamen in eine Besamungstaxe (Decktaxe I) in Höhe von 300,- Euro und einer Fohlentaxe (Decktaxe II) auf. Die Fohlentaxe wird erst bei der Geburt des Fohlens fällig. Ausländische Kunden müssen die volle Decktaxe im Voraus bezahlen.

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 800 €


jumper Calandra Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2016, from Cicero Z van Paemel)

Calandra Z

jumper Departure Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2019, from Dominator 2000 Z)

Departure Z

jumper Agana van het Gerendal Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2011, from Aganix du Seigneur)

Agana van het Gerendal Z

stallion Akarad Hero Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2011, from Aganix du Seigneur)

Akarad Hero Z

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foal by Hengst von Aberdeen Z / Zinedine (Westphalian, 2024, from Aberdeen Z)

Hengst von Aberdeen Z / Zinedine

foal by Arya Stark SR (Westphalian, 2024, from Aberdeen Z)

Arya Stark SR

Show all 2 children

Base data

name (International, DE) Aberdeen Z sportname (International, DE) Aberdeen Z
breeding name (DE) Aberdeen Z UELN 056015Z55118718
National-ID BEL015Z55118718 FEI-ID 108LP15
gender Stallion breed Zangersheide riding horse
type horse born 03/20/2018
shoulder height 166 cm colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Studbook Zangersheide (ZANG) Awards gekört
Father Aganix du Seigneur Mother Cascada VI
father of mother Canturo Breeder Helena Stormanns, HS Sportpferde GmbH
Place of birth Germany, Add city whereabouts Germany, 48477 Hörstel
profile views 1504

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