Chin Grey

Chin Grey

horse, Holsteiner, Stallion (approved), 2021

rimondo Insights

Chin Grey, a promising Holsteiner stallion from the 2021 cohort, is at the beginning of his career as a breeding stallion. Although he has not yet achieved any sporting successes himself, his pedigree suggests a bright future. His sire, the Holsteiner stallion Chinchero, already has over 150 offspring and has demonstrated his quality with more than 10 placings in 41 starts.

On the maternal side is the Oldenburg mare Greya, who has proven her athletic ability with over 90 placings in 160 starts. The dam's sire Colestus, a Westphalian, has over 500 offspring and is renowned for his outstanding breeding influence in show jumping.

The first foals from Chin Grey are eagerly anticipated this season. His genetics, marked by performance-strong ancestors, promise offspring with particular aptitude for jumping. Breeders can look forward to seeing what sporting successes and breeding accolades these foals will achieve in the future.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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EU Hengst & Besamungsstation Sven Völz

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Holsteiner Körung - Körung 2023/2024


Christoph Zimmermann, Christoph Zimmermann
Holsteiner Vorauswahl zur Junghengstkörung - Körung 2023/2024


Christoph Zimmermann, Christoph Zimmermann
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jumper Hengst von Eldorado van de Zeshoek / Colestus (Holsteiner, 2021, from Eldorado vd Zeshoek Tn)

Hengst von Eldorado van de Zeshoek / Colestus

jumper Chancay (Holsteiner, 2021, from Chinchero)


jumper Hengst von Chinchero / Candillo (Holsteiner, 2021, from Chinchero)

Hengst von Chinchero / Candillo

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Base data

name (DE) Chin Grey breeding name (DE) Chin Grey
UELN 276421000046721 National-ID DE 421000046721
gender Stallion breed Holsteiner
type horse born 04/07/2021
shoulder height add colour brown can become mold
discipline add mainly used for stud horse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Chinchero Mother Greya
father of mother Colestus Breeder Christoph Zimmermann, Christoph Zimmermann
Place of birth add whereabouts add
profile views 774

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