Rising Star

Rising Star

horse, Westphalian, Stallion (approved), 2021

rimondo Insights

Rising Star, a promising Westphalian stallion from the 2021 cohort, is at the beginning of his career as a breeding stallion. Without any starts or placements in sport yet, he is eagerly anticipated as a sire this season. His pedigree is impressive: His sire Raven, a Rhinelander, already has over 50 offspring and provides a solid genetic foundation. On the dam's side is the Westphalian mare Bella Belstaff, who descends from the successful Hanoverian Belstaff, who was placed in over 30 competitions.

Rising Star combines the qualities of his ancestors and is eagerly awaited in breeding. The first foals are expected this season, and it remains to be seen how his hereditary traits will manifest in his progeny. The combination of Raven and Belstaff promises an intriguing blend of willingness to perform and elegance.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Rising Star

Hengststation Rüscher-Konermann

Gibt 100€ Rabatt bei Vorkasse.

Nordrhein-Westfälisches Landgestüt Warendorf

So profitieren Sie, wenn Sie unsere Hengste in der Frischbesamung oder im Natursprung nutzen: Zahlen Sie einmalig das Deckgeld. Im Falle einer Nichtträchtigkeit bleibt es für Sie bei dem Deckgeld. Erst bei Trächtigkeit wird die Trächtigkeitsprämie erhoben. Diese variiert je nachdem welchen Hengst Sie nutzen.

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 900 €


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Fontenay 6

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B Unbekannt

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Raffaella 6

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foal by Stutfohlen von Rising Star / For Final (unknown, 2025, from Rising Star)

Stutfohlen von Rising Star / For Final

Show all 1 children

Base data

name (DE) Rising Star UELN 276441410116021
National-ID DE 441410116021 gender Stallion
breed Westphalian type horse
born 04/14/2021 shoulder height add
colour dark brown discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Raven
Mother Bella Belstaff father of mother Belstaff
Breeder Christoph Stümpel Place of birth add
whereabouts add profile views 557

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