Royal Speedy

Royal Speedy

pony, Welsh Mountain P., Mare, 1995


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broodmare Realy Beauty BL (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 1994, from Boreas Winston)

Realy Beauty BL

horse Brooklands Big Whopper (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 1993, from Boreas Winston)

Brooklands Big Whopper

horse Sophienhoehs Roxana (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 2002, from Menai Julius)

Sophienhoehs Roxana

broodmare Sophienhoehs Rabea (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 1999, from Oakland)

Sophienhoehs Rabea

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dressage horse Lina Löwenherz PJ (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 2002, from Menai Julius)

Lina Löwenherz PJ

horse Sherry (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 1999, from Oakland)


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Base data

name (DE) Royal Speedy unknown ID 220105295
gender Mare breed Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A)
type pony born 06/13/1995
shoulder height 118 cm colour brown
discipline add mainly used for stud horse, free time horse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Boreas Winston Mother Wohld Royal Bay
father of mother Friars Freelance Place of birth Germany, 25836 Poppenbüll (Schleswig-Holstein)
whereabouts Germany, 24395 Gelting, Angeln (Schleswig-Holstein) field test add
station test add profile views 626


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