Camar Bahrain

Camar Bahrain

horse, Trakehner, Stallion (approved), 2021

rimondo Insights

Camar Bahrain, a promising Trakehner stallion from the 2021 cohort, is at the beginning of his career in both sport and breeding. With his noble lineage, he combines the best of Trakehner and Thoroughbred Arabian breeding. His sire, Arian Shah ox, a Thoroughbred Arabian, already has 22 offspring known for their elegance and endurance.

Camar Bahrain's dam, Barani, has achieved two placements in her sporting career and is a promising broodmare. Her sire, Connery, is a well-known Trakehner stallion with over 300 offspring distinguished by their athleticism and rideability.

Although Camar Bahrain has yet to showcase any competition results himself, the birth of his first foals is eagerly anticipated this season. His pedigree suggests a particular aptitude for dressage and show jumping, and he is considered a promising sire. The combination of the noble blood of the Thoroughbred Arabian and the athletic line of the Trakehner promises an interesting future for this young stallion.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Trakehner Hengstmarkt 2023 – Körung 2023/2024


Corinna Knaack-lindemann, Corinna Knaack -Lindemann
Vorbesichtigung für den Trakehner Hengstmarkt 2023 - Körung 2023/2024


Corinna Knaack-lindemann, Corinna Knaack -Lindemann
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Base data

name (DE) Camar Bahrain UELN 276409090163421
National-ID DE 409090163421 gender Stallion
breed Trakehner type horse
born 03/04/2021 shoulder height 166 cm
colour chestnut discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association Trakehner Verband
Awards gekört Father Arian Shah ox
Mother Barani father of mother Connery
Breeder Corinna Knaack-lindemann, Corinna Knaack -Lindemann Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts Germany, Add city profile views 1209

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