(Risaya RT)
Risibizzi (Risaya RT)
horse, Oldenburger, Verbandsprämienstute, 2016
- horse
- Oldenburger
- Verbandsprämienstute
- 2016
Show all 2 videosTournament results
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Stutenleistungsprüfung Vechta | Anke Richter-Irps, Richter-Irps + Tiefenthal |
Success evaluation
Sport success
only for pro member
Breeding awards
only for pro member
Base data
name (DE) | Risibizzi | sportname (DE) | Risaya RT |
UELN | 276433330099616 | National-ID | DE 433330099616 |
gender | Mare | breed | Oldenburg |
type | horse | born | 05/07/2016 |
shoulder height | 175 cm | colour | brown |
discipline | Dressur | mainly used for | sportshorse |
riding club, association | Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. | Awards | Verbandsprämienstute |
Father | Florenz 71 | Mother | Ritschina Ratschione |
father of mother | Lovis Corinth | Breeder | Anke Richter-Irps, Richter-Irps + Tiefenthal |
Place of birth | Germany, ZG Irps Tiefenthal, Fort Schaar | whereabouts | Germany, Add city |
field test | add | station test | add |
profile views | 339 |