Neron (Nero)

Neron (Nero)

horse, unknown, Stallion (approved), 2018

rimondo Insights

Neron, a promising KWPN stallion born in 2018, is already making a mark with his sporting achievements at a young age. Under the talented rider Alexa Stais, Neron showcased his skills on the international stage, including a victory in an M* show jumping competition. With over 50 placings in just 73 starts, he stands out as an exceptional jumper.

His pedigree is equally impressive. As a son of the renowned Cornet Obolensky, one of the most influential sires in show jumping, and the Holsteiner mare Kantuscha, Neron possesses excellent genetic potential. Notably, his dam's sire Cantus is considered a significant sire in breeding history.

This year, Neron's first offspring are expected to enter the competitive arena, further cementing his role as a future top sire. With an impressive jumping aptitude and an RPI of 76, he already demonstrates a promising future both in sport and breeding.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Base data

name (International) Neron name (DE) Nero 583
sportname (International) Nero sportname (DE) Nero 583
breeding name (DE) Neron UELN 528003201804293
National-ID NLD003201804293 FEI-ID 108KU31
gender Stallion breed KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse)
type horse born 04/25/2018
shoulder height add colour mold
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland (KWPN) Awards gekört
Father Cornet Obolensky Mother Kantuscha
father of mother Cantus Breeder G van de Winkel, G. van de Winkel
Place of birth Netherlands, Add city whereabouts add
profile views 1431

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