horse, Westphalian, Stallion (approved), 2006
- horse
- Westphalian
- Stallion (approved)
- 2006
rimondo Insights
Colestus, an impressive Westphalian born in 2006, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. With over 500 offspring and numerous placements at the international level, he is a prominent figure in show jumping. Under Christian Kukuk, Colestus achieved his greatest successes, including a victory in an international S**-level jumping competition.
Colestus has also left a significant mark in breeding. Notably, the licensed stallion Cellagon Cascais stands out with an impressive RPI of 92. The state premium mare Perelisa and the champion stallion Conchezz further highlight his exceptional breeding influence.
A preferred pairing is seen with damsires like Contender, who have produced particularly successful offspring. Colestus' impact in show jumping and breeding is unmistakable and is impressively confirmed by his numerous successful progeny.
Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text
Stallion owner of Colestus

Hengststation Ludger Beerbaum Stables GmbH
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Team Nijhof
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- natural
breeding tax from 1500 €
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Base data
name (International, DE) | Colestus | sportname (International, DE) | Colestus |
breeding name (DE) | Colestus | UELN | 276441411223906 |
National-ID | DE 441411223906 | FEI-ID | 103BZ12 |
gender | Stallion | breed | Westphalian |
type | horse | born | 07/02/2006 |
shoulder height | 170 cm | colour | mold |
discipline | Springen | mainly used for | stud horse, sportshorse |
riding club, association | Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V. | Awards | gekört |
Father | Cornet Obolensky | Mother | Spice Girl R |
father of mother | Stakkato | Breeder | Hartwig Rellensmann |
Place of birth | Germany, Extertal | whereabouts | Germany, 48477 Riesenbeck (Nordrhein-Westfalen) |
profile views | 64086 |