Codex One

Codex One

horse, Hanoverian, Stallion (approved), 2002

rimondo Insights

Codex One, a Hanoverian stallion of impressive caliber, has made a name for himself in both international and national show jumping. Under Christian Ahlmann, Codex One achieved outstanding successes, including the prestigious victory in the Grand Prix of Aachen and the title of Vice European Champion. With over 90 placements at the highest level, including international S***** victories, Codex One is a prime example of top performance in jumping.

In breeding, Codex One has impressively demonstrated his hereditary strength. His notable offspring include over six licensed stallions, such as Cantona Tn and Codex Diaz Z. His quality is also evident in the mare line with state premium mares like Codex Girl II. Particularly noteworthy are his offspring Charlott 39 and Consul E, who shone as finalists in the Bundeschampionat for 6-year-old show jumpers.

Codex One comes from a proven line, with Contendro I as his sire, a Holsteiner stallion with over 2,600 offspring who are successful worldwide in breeding and sport. The dam, Gipsy, complements the pedigree with her Hanoverian lineage, which is further enhanced in quality by the dam's sire Glueckspilz.

Codex One remains a sought-after sire, whose offspring are shaping the future of show jumping.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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jumper Codex Two (Hanoverian, 2003, from Contendro I)

Codex Two

horse Cienfuegos (Hanoverian, 2011, from Contendro I)


broodmare Codex Contess (Hanoverian, 2009, from Contendro I)

Codex Contess

stallion Classic One (Hanoverian, 2012, from Classe VDL)

Classic One

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jumper Curious George (Rhinelander, 2009, from Codex One)

Curious George

jumper Colliers Carlotta (Hanoverian, 2016, from Codex One)

Colliers Carlotta

stallion Condor One Z (Rhinelander, 2015, from Codex One)

Condor One Z

stallion I Am Codex (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2013, from Codex One)

I Am Codex

Show all 61 children

Base data

name (International, DE) Codex One sportname (International, DE) Codex One
breeding name (International, DE) Codex One UELN 276431314403702
National-ID DE 431314403702 FEI-ID GER46305
gender Stallion breed Hanoverian
type horse born 04/01/2002
shoulder height 167 cm colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Hannoveraner Verband e.V. Awards gekört
Father Contendro I Mother Gipsy
father of mother Glueckspilz Breeder Berghorn, Wilhelm
Place of birth Germany, Stolzenau whereabouts Germany, 29221 Celle (Niedersachsen)
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