de Chirico

de Chirico

horse, Holsteiner, Stallion (approved), 2004

rimondo Insights

De Chirico, an impressive Holsteiner stallion born in 2004, has made a name for himself both in dressage and breeding. Under the rider Tamara Rehnig, he achieved his greatest successes, including a national victory in the S**** dressage. His early successes under Markus Suchalla in riding horse tests laid the foundation for his remarkable career.

In breeding, De Chirico has produced over 100 offspring, including the licensed gelding de Lauries 3 and the state premium mare Bella Donna S. Particularly noteworthy is Devanto, who, with a dressage RPI of 92, ranks among the outstanding dressage horses.

The preferred pairing with damsires such as Lorentin I has proven to be particularly successful. De Chirico remains a sought-after sire, whose offspring regularly succeed in the highest dressage classes.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of de Chirico

Hengststation Burghof Brodhecker

Gemäß dem Motto "Zucht und Sport an einem Ort" versuchen wir seit Jahrzehnten unsere Hengstkollektion mit modernen Spring- und Dressurhengsten sportorientiert auszurichten. Auch dank unserer Kooperation mit der "Dressurhengste Schleier GbR" sind wir stolz Ihnen eine vielseitige Kollektion erfahrener und im Sport etablierter, sowie vielversprechender Junghengste präsentieren zu können."

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 1000 €


dressage horse Devallier (Holsteiner, 2005, from Dolany)


dressage horse Devino 5 (Holsteiner, 2010, from Dolany)

Devino 5

broodmare Be Chirica (Holsteiner, 2009, from Dolany)

Be Chirica

broodmare Annabelle 110 (Holsteiner, 2008, from Conteur)

Annabelle 110

Show all siblings


dressage horse Devanto (Holsteiner, 2009, from de Chirico)


dressage horse Deliza (Württemberger, 2010, from de Chirico)


stallion Dias de Rio (Holsteiner, 2009, from de Chirico)

Dias de Rio

dressage horse Dr. No 7 (Holsteiner, 2009, from de Chirico)

Dr. No 7

Show all 102 children

Base data

name (International, DE) de Chirico name (LU) De Chirico 3
sportname (International) de Chirico sportname (DE, LU) De Chirico 3
breeding name (DE, LU) De Chirico UELN 276421000138704
National-ID DE 421000138704 FEI-ID 103XH18
gender Stallion breed Holsteiner
type horse born 05/04/2004
shoulder height 168 cm colour brown
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Dolany Mother Mira G
father of mother Linaro Breeder Günther Fielmann
Place of birth Germany, Add city whereabouts add
profile views 19836

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