

horse, Holsteiner, Stallion (approved), 2020

rimondo Insights

Deichkind is a promising Holsteiner stallion born in 2020. Although he has not yet achieved any sporting successes himself, he shows great potential in breeding. Last year, he presented his first crop of foals and is being watched with anticipation in the breeder community.

His sire, Don van het Parelshof Z, a Zangersheide stallion, has already achieved over 100 placings in his career and impresses with his performance and progeny. Deichkind's dam, the Holsteiner mare G-La Fenice, complements the strong pedigree, while the dam's sire Limbus is considered an influential progenitor with over 500 offspring.

Special pairings with dam sires like Limbus promise a promising future for Deichkind in breeding. Despite his young age and the lack of sporting achievements so far, Deichkind is a stallion whose development should be followed with interest in the coming years.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Deichkind

Holsteiner Verband Hengsthaltungs GmbH

Die Holsteiner Verband Hengsthaltung GmbH bietet ein züchterfreundliches Abrechnungsmodell mit Grundgebühr, Trächtigkeitsgebühr und Fohlengeld. Nähere Details bekommst du beim Verband.

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 700 €


foal by Hengst von Don VHP Z / Limbus (Holsteiner, 2024, from Don van het Parelshof Z)

Hengst von Don VHP Z / Limbus

jumper Catch Up 5 (Holsteiner, 2019, from Catch)

Catch Up 5

jumper Stute von Conthargos (Holsteiner, 2022, from Conthargos)

Stute von Conthargos

jumper Don Royale (unknown, 2013, from Don van het Parelshof Z)

Don Royale

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foal by Hengst von Deichkind / Zuccero (Holsteiner, 2024, from Deichkind)

Hengst von Deichkind / Zuccero

foal by Stute von Deichkind / Coriano (Holsteiner, 2024, from Deichkind)

Stute von Deichkind / Coriano

foal by Hengst von Deichkind / Casall (Holsteiner, 2024, from Deichkind)

Hengst von Deichkind / Casall

foal Hengst von Deichkind / Contendro I (Holsteiner, 2024, from Deichkind)

Hengst von Deichkind / Contendro I

Show all 12 children

Base data

name (International, DE) Deichkind sportname (International) Deichkind
UELN 276421000012520 National-ID DE 421000012520
FEI-ID 109CM14 gender Stallion
breed Holsteiner type horse
born 05/17/2020 shoulder height add
colour chestnut discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Don van het Parelshof Z
Mother G-La Fenice father of mother Limbus
Breeder Rasmus Lüneburg Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts add profile views 872

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