Dr. Pepper (Dr. Pepper 10)

Dr. Pepper (Dr. Pepper 10)

horse, Westphalian, Stallion (approved), 2020

rimondo Insights

Dr. Pepper, a promising Westphalian stallion from the 2020 cohort, is making his debut in the breeding world with his first crop of foals. Although he has yet to achieve any sporting successes himself, his potential is undeniable due to his outstanding lineage.

His sire, Diamant de Casall, a Holsteiner stallion, has achieved remarkable performances with over 90 starts and nearly 50 placings. These successes suggest a promising inheritance that could also distinguish Dr. Pepper in the future.

Dr. Pepper's dam, Bubbels 3, contributes valuable genetics to the pairing with her Westphalian heritage and solid placings. This potential is further enhanced by the dam's sire, Bellini Royal, who is considered a reliable sire with over 150 offspring and an impressive number of placings.

Dr. Pepper is still at the beginning of his career, but the combination of proven bloodlines and the quality of his ancestors offers hope for a successful future in breeding and sport.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Nordrhein-Westfälisches Landgestüt Warendorf

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Base data

name (DE) Dr. Pepper sportname (DE) Dr. Pepper 10
breeding name (DE) Dr. Pepper UELN 276441411057220
National-ID DE 441411057220 gender Stallion
breed Westphalian type horse
born 02/14/2020 shoulder height 166 cm
colour dark brown discipline Fahren
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
Awards gekört Father Diamant de Casall
Mother Bubbels 3 father of mother Bellini Royal
Breeder Petra Leusmann Place of birth add
whereabouts add profile views 1089

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