GS Sun Amour (Sun Amour GS)

GS Sun Amour (Sun Amour GS)

pony, German Riding Pony, Mare, 2020

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Base data

name (DE) GS Sun Amour sportname (DE) Sun Amour GS
UELN 276434340114720 National-ID DE 434340114720
gender Mare breed German Riding Pony
type pony born 05/10/2020
shoulder height add colour palomino
discipline Dressur mainly used for sportshorse
riding club, association Verband der Pony- und Kleinpferdezüchter Hannover Awards add
Father D-Gold AT NRW Mother Pizula's Savina
father of mother Showtime Breeder Alexandra Grommel (Ponyzucht Grommel)
Place of birth Germany, 49767 Twist whereabouts Germany, 49767 Twist
field test add station test add
profile views 690

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