Baron Almar vom Achterberg
Baron Almar vom Achterberg
pony, Lehmkuhlener Pony, Stallion, 2020
- pony
- Lehmkuhlener Pony
- Stallion
- 2020
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Base data
name (DE) | Baron Almar vom Achterberg | gender | Stallion |
breed | Lehmkuhlen Pony | type | pony |
born | 06/07/2020 | shoulder height | 125 cm |
colour | black | discipline | Fahren |
mainly used for | stud horse, sportshorse, free time horse | riding club, association | Zuchtverband für deutsche Pferde e.V. (ZfdP) |
Awards | add | Father | Baron Kurt |
Mother | Watch Me | father of mother | Falanca's Rocky Bloemlust |
Breeder | Katharina Klann | Place of birth | Germany, Add city |
whereabouts | Germany, Karstädt | profile views | 479 |