Lamaze TN

Lamaze TN

horse, KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), Stallion (approved), 2016

rimondo Insights

Lamaze TN, a promising KWPN stallion born in 2016, is emerging as a rising star in both sport and breeding. Under the saddle of Kars Bonhof, he has completed over 60 starts and achieved more than 5 placements in challenging show jumping competitions up to the 145 class. Although Lamaze TN is still at the beginning of his career, his pedigree suggests great potential. His sire, Grandorado TN, is a successful KWPN stallion with over 200 offspring recognized in the international show jumping scene.

Lamaze TN's dam, Valerie, is descended from the legendary Holsteiner Carthago, a stallion who has produced over 1000 offspring known worldwide in breeding and sport. This impressive lineage promises exceptional hereditary power, which could make Lamaze TN a sought-after sire for the future.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Lamaze TN

Team Nijhof

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breeding tax from 700 €


stallion Diathago (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2011, from Diamant de Semilly)


stallion Pilothago Dxb (Swedish Warmblood, 2010, from Pilot)

Pilothago Dxb

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Crocodile Dundee III

jumper Equidame (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2009, from Quidam de Revel)


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foal by Stute von Lamaze TN / Warrant (Westphalian, 2024, from Lamaze TN)

Stute von Lamaze TN / Warrant

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Base data

name (International, DE) Lamaze Tn sportname (International) Lamaze Tn
breeding name (DE) Lamaze TN UELN 528003201605798
National-ID NLD003201605798 FEI-ID 107LQ63
unknown ID 528003201605798+ gender Stallion
breed KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse) type horse
born 06/05/2016 shoulder height 169 cm
colour brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Grandorado TN
Mother Valerie father of mother Carthago
Place of birth Germany, Add city whereabouts Germany, Add city
profile views 1236

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