Sandro Hit

Sandro Hit

horse, Oldenburger, Stallion (approved), 1993

rimondo Insights

Sandro Hit, an outstanding Oldenburg stallion, has secured a permanent place in horse breeding through his impressive genetic influence. Born in 1993, he is among the most influential sires of his generation with over 2300 offspring. Although he himself does not have any competition results to show, his strength in breeding is undisputed.

Particularly noteworthy is his son Sir Donnerhall I, a licensed stallion who has produced over 2300 offspring. Another licensed son, San Amour I, impresses with over 1300 offspring. In dressage, offspring like Sertorius de Rima Z have demonstrated outstanding performances with a dressage RPI of 99.

His offspring have attracted international attention. Showtime FRH is both an Olympic team champion and a European team champion, as well as a German champion. Salvino became a vice world champion and has placed in the World Cup.

The genetic influence of Sandro Hit is also evident in his award-winning offspring, including the state premium mare Sandora MR and the elite stallion Samba Hit I. His offspring are successful not only in breeding but also in sport, underscoring his significance as a sire.

A preferred pairing is seen with dam sires like Donnerhall, who have produced particularly many successful offspring. Sandro Hit remains a sought-after sire, whose influence in horse breeding will be felt for a long time to come.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Sandro Hit

Paul Schockemöhle Hengsthaltung GmbH

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breeding tax from 1500 €

Tournament results

Dressurpferdeprüfung Kl. M

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Ulf Möller Dr.


Dressurprüfung Kl. M*

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Ulf Möller Dr.


Dressurpferdeprüfung Kl. M

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Ulf Möller Dr.

Warendorf BuCha

Dressurpferdeprüfung Kl. M

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Ulf Möller Dr.


Dressurpferdeprüfung Kl. M

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Ulf Möller Dr.


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Breed events

Online Hengstschau Schockemöhle Dressurhengste 2024


Gabriele Harder-Brune
WBFSH Ranking 2021 Dressur Deckhengste


WBFSH Ranking 2020 Dressur Deckhengste


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broodmare La Traviata 19 (Oldenburg, 1994, from Sandro Song)

La Traviata 19

stallion Diamond Hit (Oldenburg, 1997, from Don Schufro)

Diamond Hit

dressage horse Swarovski (unknown,  )


horse Rudi Rakete (Oldenburg, 2008, from Riccione)

Rudi Rakete

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jumper Bugatti (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2006, from Sandro Hit)


stallion Santana (Hanoverian, 2001, from Sandro Hit)


stallion Sunday (Westphalian, 2006, from Sandro Hit)


dressage horse Swagman 2 (Oldenburg, 2004, from Sandro Hit)

Swagman 2

Show all 2331 children

Base data

name (DE) Sandro Hit sportname (DE) Sandro Hit
breeding name (DE) Sandro Hit UELN 276333330471993
National-ID DE 333330471993 gender Stallion
breed Oldenburg type horse
born 01/01/1993 Day of death 08/18/2021
shoulder height 172 cm colour black
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. Awards gekört
Father Sandro Song Mother Loretta
father of mother Ramino Breeder Gabriele Harder-Brune
Place of birth Germany, Bramsche whereabouts Germany, Steinfeld (Oldenburg)
profile views 165936
Sandro Hit was trained by Dr. Ulf Möller, with whom he became Federal Champion and World Champion of six-year-old dressage horses in 1999.

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