FBW Celeste Chocolate

FBW Celeste Chocolate

horse, Württemberger, Mare, 2003

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horse Limlight 2 (Württemberger, 1998, from Le Champion)

Limlight 2

horse Erika E (Württemberger, 2004, from Exodus)

Erika E

horse Leon 522 (Württemberger, 2002, from Landjunge)

Leon 522

broodmare Prinzessin (Württemberger, 2007, from Contendro I)


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jumper Cookie Hh (German Sport Horse, 2016, from Kannan)

Cookie Hh

jumper Belle Chocolate (German Sport Horse, 2018, from Big Star)

Belle Chocolate

jumper Conor HH (German Sport Horse, 2017, from Cornet Obolensky)

Conor HH

jumper Deanerys HH (German Sport Horse, 2019, from Don van het Parelshof Z)

Deanerys HH

Show all 4 children


Base data

name (International, DE) FBW Celeste Chocolate sportname (International, DE) FBW Celeste Chocolate
breeding name (DE) Celeste Chocolate UELN 276473730318403
National-ID DE 473730318403 FEI-ID 103AI79
gender Mare breed Württemberger
type horse born 10/04/2003
shoulder height add colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Candillo Z Mother Ambra E
father of mother Acord II Breeder Ederle, Karl
Place of birth Germany, Add city whereabouts add
field test add station test add
profile views 2061

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