Pegase van 't Ruytershof (Pegase van't Ruytershof)

Pegase van 't Ruytershof (Pegase van't Ruytershof)

horse, Belgian Warmblood, Stallion (approved), 2015


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stallion Gfe Jilbert van't Ruytershof (Belgian Warmblood, 2009, from Numero Uno)

Gfe Jilbert van't Ruytershof

jumper Next Twist van 't Ruytershof (Belgian Warmblood, 2013, from Gemini CL xx)

Next Twist van 't Ruytershof

broodmare Nerbi Van 't Ruytershof (Belgian Warmblood, 2013, from Numero Uno)

Nerbi Van 't Ruytershof

stallion Corsari van de Helle (Oldenburg show jumper, 2010, from Comme il Faut)

Corsari van de Helle

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jumper Tahiti van het Netehof (Belgian Warmblood, 2019, from Pegase van 't Ruytershof)

Tahiti van het Netehof

jumper Tiara van 't Zonneveld (Belgian Warmblood, 2019, from Pegase van 't Ruytershof)

Tiara van 't Zonneveld

stallion Tellini van't Ruytershof (Belgian Warmblood, 2019, from Pegase van 't Ruytershof)

Tellini van't Ruytershof

jumper Tega Jumping (Belgian Warmblood, 2019, from Pegase van 't Ruytershof)

Tega Jumping

Show all 54 children

Base data

name (International, BE, DE) Pegase van 't Ruytershof sportname (International) Pegase van't Ruytershof
sportname (BE, DE) Pegase Van 't Ruytershof breeding name (DE) Pegase van't Ruytershof
UELN 056002W00311101 National-ID BEL002W00311101
FEI-ID 106SR51 gender Stallion
breed Belgian Warmblood type horse
born 06/01/2015 shoulder height 171 cm
colour dark brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Belgian Warmblood Horse Studbook (BWP)
Awards Elitehengst, gekört Father Comme il Faut
Mother Gianthina van 't Ruytershof father of mother Cartani 4
Place of birth Belgium, Add city whereabouts add
profile views 3247

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