WR Fareed Najm Noori ox

WR Fareed Najm Noori ox

horse, Arabian thoroughbred, Gelding, 2009


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name (DE) WR Fareed Najm Noori ox sportname (DE) WR Fareed Najm Noori ox
breeding name (DE) WR Fareed Najm Noori ox UELN 276408082129909
National-ID DE 408082129909 gender Gelding
breed Arabian thoroughbred type horse
born 08/29/2009 shoulder height 155 cm
colour brown roan discipline Distanzreiten
mainly used for sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards add Father DF Domian ox
Mother W R Fareedah El Qahera ox father of mother Ibn Nejdy EAO
Place of birth Germany, 16949 Triglitz whereabouts Germany, 16775 Stechlin
profile views 166


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