D-Rock G

D-Rock G

pony, German Riding Pony, Stallion (approved), 2019

rimondo Insights

D-Rock G, a promising stallion of the German Riding Pony breed, has shown potential at a young age to excel both in sport and breeding. Born in 2019, he has already achieved initial successes in the riding horse test under rider Jana Greune, where he impressed with a win and a placement.

Although D-Rock G is still at the beginning of his career, his pedigree suggests promising offspring. His sire, D-Power AT, is a proven sire with over 160 offspring who are successful in various disciplines. The dam, Bona Goldika S, contributes additional valuable genes to the breeding line through her sire Golden Rock.

The first foal crop of D-Rock G has already sparked the interest of breeders, and it remains exciting to see how his offspring will develop. With a solid lineage and initial sporting successes, D-Rock G is a stallion who could make a name for himself in both sport and breeding in the future.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of D-Rock G

Hengststation Gernholt

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax: on request


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Bona Labelle S

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Daylight S

stallion Downtown Abbey (German Riding Pony, 2018, from D-Power AT)

Downtown Abbey

stallion Diziano (Westphalian, 2018, from D-Power AT)


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Base data

name (DE) D-Rock G sportname (DE) D-Rock G
breeding name (DE) D-Rock G UELN 276455550346219
National-ID DE 455550346219 gender Stallion
breed German Riding Pony type pony
born 05/08/2019 shoulder height add
colour buckskin discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father D-Power AT
Mother Bona Goldika S father of mother Golden Rock
Place of birth add whereabouts add
profile views 701

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