Ritz Carlton (Ritz Carlton 3)

Ritz Carlton (Ritz Carlton 3)

horse, Bavarian, Stallion (approved), 2007

rimondo Insights

Ritz Carlton, a Bavarian stallion born in 2007, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. With over 60 placings in dressage, including victories in St. Georg and S* dressage, Ritz Carlton demonstrates his impressive performance capabilities. He achieved his initial successes under rider Friederike Schulz-Wallner, while Julia Sarah Hamberger celebrated his greatest achievements with him.

Although his number of offspring is limited to over 15, Ritz Carlton remains a valued sire. His lineage from Rivero III and Jetset, with Pour Plaisir 2 as the dam's sire, underscores his excellent genetic foundation. Despite the absence of licensed stallions or premium mares so far, he shows potential for future successes in breeding.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Ritz Carlton

Haupt- und Landgestüt Schwaiganger

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 600 €


broodmare Janou 20 (Bavarian, 2005, from Rivero II)

Janou 20

jumper Jet Stream 6 (German Sport Horse, 2014, from Rivero II)

Jet Stream 6

dressage horse Juliette 30 (Bavarian, 2010, from Imperio 3)

Juliette 30

broodmare Jessica 324 (Bavarian, 2009, from Imperio 3)

Jessica 324

Show all siblings


dressage horse Ricardo 589 (German Sport Horse, 2015, from Ritz Carlton)

Ricardo 589

jumper Calida 98 (Bavarian, 2011, from Ritz Carlton)

Calida 98

dressage horse Richard 80 (Bavarian, 2012, from Ritz Carlton)

Richard 80

dressage horse Ritz Rubin (Bavarian, 2012, from Ritz Carlton)

Ritz Rubin

Show all 15 children

Base data

name (DE) Ritz Carlton sportname (DE) Ritz Carlton 3
breeding name (DE) Ritz Carlton UELN 276481810186507
National-ID DE 481810186507 FEI-ID 105KU87
gender Stallion breed Bavarian
type horse born 01/01/2007
shoulder height 171 cm colour black Brown
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchter e.V. Awards gekört
Father Rivero III Mother Jetset
father of mother Pour Plaisir 2 Breeder Baysg Bildungszentrum Haupt- und Landgestüt Schwaiganger, HLG Schwaiganger
Place of birth Germany, Ohlstadt whereabouts Germany, Ohlstadt
profile views 7745

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