LG's Bellissima

LG's Bellissima

horse, American Saddlebred , Mare, 2016


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Base data

name (DE) LG's Bellissima UELN 276443430861516
National-ID DE 443430861516 gender Mare
breed American Saddlebred Horse type horse
born 05/04/2016 shoulder height 162 cm
colour chestnut discipline Vielseitigkeit, Distanzreiten, Gangpferd
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
Awards add Father LG's Best
Mother I'm Genius Elegance father of mother Genius Premier Prince
Place of birth Germany, Add city whereabouts Germany, 53773 Hennef
field test add station test add
profile views 368


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