Raven (Raven 78)

Raven (Raven 78)

horse, Rhinelander, Stallion (approved), 2017

rimondo Insights

Raven, the impressive Rhinelander stallion, draws all eyes with his breeding prowess. Despite his young career as a sire, he has already produced over 50 offspring, including remarkable licensed stallions such as Ravello and Rising Star. Both stallions have distinguished themselves as premium stallions, representing Raven's exceptional breeding quality.

Under the saddle of Falk Schubert and Gonzalo Rodriguez Diaz, Raven achieved initial results in dressage horse tests at level L. Although he has not yet secured placements in sport, his designation as a premium stallion underscores his potential in breeding.

Raven's lineage is also noteworthy. His sire, Revolution, a successful Westphalian, has over 130 offspring excelling in dressage. The dam, Chayenne W, an Oldenburg mare, contributes a strong genetic foundation through the influence of her sire Christ, further enhancing Raven's breeding value.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Gut Schönweide

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breeding tax from 1200 €


dressage horse Hengst von Revolution / Christ (Hanoverian, 2020, from Revolution)

Hengst von Revolution / Christ

dressage horse Callista (Oldenburg, 2014, from Carantas)


stallion Fehling (Oldenburg, 2015, from Finest)


dressage horse Hengst von Kardieno / Christ (Rhinelander, 2021, from Kardieno)

Hengst von Kardieno / Christ

Show all siblings


dressage horse Raffaella 6 (Hanoverian, 2021, from Raven)

Raffaella 6

dressage horse Rajani (Hanoverian, 2021, from Raven)


dressage horse Raschnime RS (Westphalian, 2021, from Raven)

Raschnime RS

dressage horse Rising Sun (Westphalian, 2021, from Raven)

Rising Sun

Show all 53 children

Base data

name (DE) Raven sportname (DE) Raven 78
breeding name (DE) Raven UELN 276431436665017
National-ID DE 431436665017 gender Stallion
breed Rhinelander type horse
born 05/29/2017 shoulder height 172 cm
colour dark brown discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Hannoveraner Verband e.V.
Awards gekört Father Revolution
Mother Chayenne W father of mother Christ
Breeder ZG Wehrs, ZG Eitel und Wiebke Wehrs Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts add profile views 10516

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