Fürstenlooks Honeybee

Fürstenlooks Honeybee

horse, Oldenburger, Mare, 2015

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Base data

name (AT, DE) Fürstenlooks Honeybee sportname (AT, DE) Fürstenlooks Honeybee
UELN 276433330463315 National-ID DE 433330463315
LiveNumber Austria 67915 HeadNumber Austria 0840
gender Mare breed Oldenburg
type horse born 06/18/2015
shoulder height 164 cm colour dark brown
discipline Dressur, Springen mainly used for sportshorse
riding club, association Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. Awards add
Father Fürsten-Look Mother Utima
father of mother Florestan I Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts Germany, Add city field test not completed
station test not completed profile views 1286

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