Elmhorst Selina
Elmhorst Selina
pony, unknown, Staatsprämienstute, 2013
- pony
- unknown
- Staatsprämienstute
- 2013
Breed events
FN-Bundesstutenschau Robustrassen |
Success evaluation
Base data
name (DE) | Elmhorst Selina | breeding name (DE) | Elmhorst Selina |
UELN | 276484840086613 | National-ID | DE 484840086613 |
gender | Mare | breed | Shetland pony (under 87 cm) |
type | pony | born | 05/06/2013 |
shoulder height | 80 cm | colour | piebald |
discipline | add | mainly used for | stud horse |
riding club, association | Bayer. ZV für Kleinpferde und Spezialpferderassen | Awards | Staatsprämienstute |
Father | Benjamin v. Stal Ankeveen | Mother | Hermits Serena |
father of mother | Skyrack Stroller | Place of birth | Germany, 83339 Chieming |
whereabouts | Germany, 19412 Brüel | field test | not completed |
station test | not completed | profile views | 351 |