Linvill 30 F

Linvill 30 F

pony, Fjord Horse, Staatsprämienstute, 2000


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broodmare Frøken Frøya N.2610 (Fjord Horse, 2005, from Dalargutt N.2595)

Frøken Frøya N.2610

broodmare Rimvill N.2586 (Fjord Horse, 2003, from Herman N.2707)

Rimvill N.2586

horse Frk Vilda (Fjord Horse, 2009, from Dalargutt N.2595)

Frk Vilda

stallion Hauk Thun S.222 (Fjord Horse, 2000, from Lyngheims Grane N-91-2871)

Hauk Thun S.222

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horse Askepott Foss (Fjord Horse, 2012, from Hertug Foss 7 F)

Askepott Foss

horse Villstyring Foss (Fjord Horse, 2007, from Ljosprins 4 F)

Villstyring Foss

broodmare Bambi Foss (Fjord Horse, 2011, from Kim Hero 8 F)

Bambi Foss

horse Flyd (Fjord Horse, 2005, from Smirre N.2579)


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Base data

name (DE) Linvill 30 F UELN 24600100P001456
National-ID FIN00100P001456 gender Mare
breed Fjord Horse type pony
born 06/23/2000 shoulder height 138 cm
colour gray fallow discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association add
Awards Staatsprämienstute Father Lyngheims Grane N-91-2871
Mother Frøken Vilma father of mother Haugjo N.2025
Place of birth Norway, Inger Rimestad, Ræge whereabouts Finland, Sari & Topi Siikjärvi, Somero
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profile views 109

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