Alba Grigori

Alba Grigori

pony, Shetland Pony, Gelding, 2017


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Alba Gilda 1576 SH

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Alba Ginny

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Smevallens Hijacker 139 SH

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Salut III 140 SH

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Base data

name (DE) Alba Grigori UELN 246001H00171087
National-ID FIN001H00171087 gender Gelding
breed Shetland Pony type pony
born 05/16/2017 shoulder height add
colour black discipline add
mainly used for add riding club, association add
Awards add Father Ytterhalls Kanon 253 SH
Mother Goldy III 1217 SH father of mother Furunäs Jotex
Place of birth Finland, Maura Tuomi, Turku whereabouts Finland, Jaana Koskinen
profile views 150


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