Leciha's Arwen

Leciha's Arwen

pony, Shetland Pony, Mare, 2003


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broodmare Leciha's Chica 1499 SH (Shetland Pony, 2005, from Fredrik)

Leciha's Chica 1499 SH

stallion Ytterhalls Frosson 43 SH (Shetland Pony, 1992, from Timothy van Stal Geerhof 64 SH)

Ytterhalls Frosson 43 SH

stallion Hormesta Erik Viking (Shetland Pony, 1994, from Timothy van Stal Geerhof 64 SH)

Hormesta Erik Viking

stallion Äppelbo Findus (Shetland Pony, 1992, from Timothy van Stal Geerhof 64 SH)

Äppelbo Findus

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horse Kaunisrannan Aurelia (Shetland Pony, 2008, from Kanteborgs Winston 100 SH)

Kaunisrannan Aurelia

horse Steindl's Hurrikan (Shetland Pony, 2010, from Kaunisrannan Hercules 156 SH)

Steindl's Hurrikan

broodmare Kaunisrannan Aurora 1212 SH (Shetland Pony, 2007, from Älvåsens Latcho)

Kaunisrannan Aurora 1212 SH

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Base data

name (DE) Leciha's Arwen UELN 24600100P031441
National-ID FIN00100P031441 gender Mare
breed Shetland Pony type pony
born 06/13/2003 shoulder height 100 cm
colour black discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Timothy van Stal Geerhof 64 SH
Mother Furunäs Filippa father of mother Furunäs Fernando
Place of birth Sweden, Cim Grönroos, Nyköping whereabouts Austria, Josef Steindl
field test add station test add
profile views 110


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