Maja (Maja 465)

Maja (Maja 465)

pony, Fjord Horse, Mare, 1997


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broodmare Missi von der Bergesruh (Fjord Horse, 2016, from Honning)

Missi von der Bergesruh

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Mia von der Bergesruh

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Maida von der Bergesruh

horse Haru von der Bergesruh (Fjord Horse, 2011, from Honning)

Haru von der Bergesruh

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Base data

name (DE) Maja sportname (DE) Maja 465
breeding name (DE) Maja UELN 276363630096597
National-ID DE 363630096597 gender Mare
breed Fjord Horse type pony
born 04/13/1997 shoulder height 140 cm
colour dun fallow discipline add
mainly used for stud horse, free time horse riding club, association Österreichischer Zuchtverband für Ponys, Kleinpferde und Spezialrassen (ÖZP)
Awards add Father Kastanielystens Rasmus
Mother Mandy father of mother Rei Romanow
Breeder Eva Lang Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts Austria, Add city field test add
station test add profile views 191


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