Streamside Elle 254 C

Streamside Elle 254 C

pony, Connemara-Pony, Mare, 2010


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Base data

name (DE) Streamside Elle 254 C UELN 246001H00101411
National-ID FIN001H00101411 gender Mare
breed Connemara Pony type pony
born 06/03/2010 shoulder height 142 cm
colour mold discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Calvin Klein 24 IC
Mother Caragh Enya 206 C-E father of mother Ard Ri Cunga 11 IC
Place of birth Finland, Marja Hoikkala, Kouvola whereabouts Finland, Piia Lerkki, Turku
field test add station test add
profile views 99


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