Punch du Zephyr
Punch du Zephyr
pony, French Pony, Stallion, 2003
- pony
- French Pony
- Stallion
- 2003
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Tournament results
Laurence Schlapp | Reitturnier Yverdon-les-Bains 2019 | |
Laurence Schlapp | Reitturnier Yverdon-les-Bains 2019 | |
Laurence Schlapp | Reitturnier Yverdon 2019 |
Base data
name (CH) | Punch du Zephyr | sportname (CH) | Punch du Zephyr |
UELN | 25000103116813J | National-ID | FRA00103116813J |
Swiss ID | 93159 | gender | Stallion |
breed | French Pony | type | pony |
born | 04/21/2003 | shoulder height | add |
colour | mold | discipline | Springen |
mainly used for | sportshorse | riding club, association | add |
Awards | add | Father | Géo de Vaubadon |
Mother | add | father of mother | add |
Place of birth | add | whereabouts | add |
profile views | 88 |