Fuga 249 Russ

Fuga 249 Russ

pony, Gotland-Pony, Staatsprämienstute, 1997


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stallion Hadar RR 539 (Gotland Pony, 1999, from Granit RR 368)

Hadar RR 539

broodmare Gunta RR 4051 (Gotland Pony, 1998, from Effekt RR 347)

Gunta RR 4051

horse Kanalje RR 591 (Gotland Pony, 2002, from Marlon S)

Kanalje RR 591

broodmare Jiga RR 4315 (Gotland Pony, 2001, from Toker RR 503)

Jiga RR 4315

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horse Fiona Capri (Gotland Pony, 2018, from Allgunnens Valdör 23 Russ)

Fiona Capri

horse Felicity Capri (Gotland Pony, 2017, from Allgunnens Valdör 23 Russ)

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Base data

name (DE) Fuga 249 Russ UELN 24600100P971523
National-ID FIN00100P971523 gender Mare
breed Gotland Pony type pony
born 07/05/1997 shoulder height 126 cm
colour maroon discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association add
Awards Staatsprämienstute Father Quito RR 453
Mother Beata RR 3576 father of mother Fridhems Jonatan
Place of birth Sweden, Alf Johansson, Långasjö whereabouts Finland, Börjes Tingsryd Kotimäki Finland Ay, Lieto
field test add station test add
profile views 121

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