Silberstern FH
Silberstern FH
horse, Austrian Warmblood, Gelding, 2018
- horse
- Austrian Warmblood
- Gelding
- 2018
Tournament results
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Base data
name (AT) | Silberstern FH | sportname (AT) | Silberstern FH |
breeding name (AT) | Silberstern FH | UELN | 040008610080518 |
National-ID | AUT008610080518 | HeadNumber Austria | AC82 |
gender | Gelding | breed | Austrian Warmblood |
type | horse | born | 06/20/2018 |
shoulder height | 175 cm | colour | black |
discipline | Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit | mainly used for | stud horse, sportshorse |
riding club, association | Verband der Pferdezüchter Oberösterreichs | Awards | add |
Father | Secret | Mother | Cara |
father of mother | Fürst Romancier | Breeder | Familie Holzleitner |
Place of birth | Austria, Add city | whereabouts | Austria, Add city |
profile views | 1661 |