Kanbalou VDL

Kanbalou VDL

horse, Zangersheide riding horse, Stallion (approved), 2016

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jumper Niagara D'Ive Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2012, from Nabab de Rêve)

Niagara D'Ive Z

jumper Ballanti D'Ive Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2009, from Berlin)

Ballanti D'Ive Z

horse Coconut D'ive Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2011, from VDL Cardento 933)

Coconut D'ive Z

broodmare Delilah d'Ive Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2007, from Darco)

Delilah d'Ive Z

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jumper Krista Karla (German Sport Horse, 2020, from Kanbalou VDL)

Krista Karla

jumper Kanvito K (German Sport Horse, 2021, from Kanbalou VDL)

Kanvito K

jumper Hengst von Kanbalou - Cezaro - Barinello (German Sport Horse, 2020, from Kanbalou VDL)

Hengst von Kanbalou - Cezaro - Barinello

foal by Zauberbiene (German Sport Horse, 2024, from Kanbalou VDL)


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Base data

name (International) Kanbalou VDL name (DE) Kanbalou
sportname (International) Kanbalou VDL sportname (DE) Kanbalou
breeding name (DE) Kanbalou UELN 056015Z55791416
National-ID BEL015Z55791416 FEI-ID 108ZV88
gender Stallion breed Zangersheide riding horse
type horse born 05/28/2016
shoulder height add colour black Brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Pferdezuchtverband Brandenburg-Anhalt e.V. Awards gekört
Father Kannan Mother Baila d'Ive Z
father of mother Baloubet du Rouet Breeder Isabelle Van Eeckhout, Isabella van Eeckhout, Isabell van Eeckhout
Place of birth Belgium, Outer- Ninove, B whereabouts add
profile views 5503

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