

horse, Hanoverian, Stallion (approved), 2016

rimondo Insights

Valdiviani, the Hanoverian stallion born in 2016, impresses not only with his own sporting achievements but also as a significant sire. Under the rider Isabell Werth, he achieved initial successes in dressage before celebrating his greatest national victories in S*** dressage with Niklaas Feilzer in the saddle.

With over 80 offspring, Valdiviani already demonstrates an impressive breeding influence. Among his outstanding progeny are licensed stallions such as Valenziano and Venero, who carry forward their father's potential. The award-winning Venturo and the state premium mares Veja and Vencedora further emphasize his breeding significance.

Valdiviani shows a particular aptitude for dressage, which is also reflected in the performance of his offspring. Preferred pairings with dam sires like Sir Donnerhall I have proven to be particularly successful, further enhancing the quality of his progeny.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Base data

name (International, DE) Valdiviani sportname (International, DE) Valdiviani
breeding name (DE) Valdiviani UELN 276431310249616
National-ID DE 431310249616 FEI-ID 108JW73
gender Stallion breed Hanoverian
type horse born 05/25/2016
shoulder height 171 cm colour brown
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Hannoveraner Verband e.V. Awards gekört
Father Veneno Mother Fairlight R.B.
father of mother Fidertanz Breeder Roger Ballmann, Roger Ballmann
Place of birth Belgium, Add city whereabouts add
profile views 12166

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