Lord Europe

Lord Europe

horse, Rhinelander, Stallion (approved), 2016

rimondo Insights

Lord Europe, an impressive Rhinelander stallion born in 2016, has made a name for himself both in dressage and breeding. Under the rider Leonie Richter, he achieved remarkable successes, including victories in dressage competitions at levels S* and S***. With over 60 offspring, he demonstrates an impressive breeding influence.

Particularly noteworthy are his licensed sons such as Lodovico, who was also awarded as the 1st reserve champion stallion, and Ludwigslust PS. His daughters, like the state premium mare Luxoria 3380 FIN, also underscore his breeding quality.

In breeding, he is frequently paired with daughters of Sir Donnerhall I, which has proven to be promising. Lord Europe remains a sought-after sire, continuing to make waves in the dressage world through his progeny.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Lord Europe

Paul Schockemöhle Hengsthaltung GmbH

Samenbestellungen Bitte geben Sie ihre Samenbestellung telefonisch (05492 960100), per Fax oder über das Samenbestellformular im Internet (www.schockemoehle.com) bis spätestens 10.00 Uhr auf!

Helgstrand Dressage

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 1300 €


dressage horse Fräulein Fienchen (Westphalian, 2017, from Fürst Wilhelm)

Fräulein Fienchen

dressage horse Great Europe WP (Westphalian, 2022, from Glamourdale)

Great Europe WP

stallion Chippendale (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2007, from Lord Leatherdale)


stallion Everdale (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2009, from Lord Leatherdale)


Show all siblings


stallion Lodovico (Oldenburg, 2020, from Lord Europe)


dressage horse First Vaiana (Oldenburg, 2020, from Lord Europe)

First Vaiana

dressage horse Lamborghini 113 (Oldenburg, 2020, from Lord Europe)

Lamborghini 113

dressage horse Lord Darnley 3 (Oldenburg, 2020, from Lord Europe)

Lord Darnley 3

Show all 67 children

Base data

name (DE) Lord Europe sportname (DE) Lord Europe
breeding name (DE) Lord Europe UELN 276431436916916
National-ID DE 431436916916 gender Stallion
breed Rhinelander type horse
born 04/22/2016 shoulder height 172 cm
colour black discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Lord Leatherdale
Mother Basjen P father of mother Boston
Breeder Heike Pleines, ZG Pleines, ZG Pleines Werner und Heike Pleines Place of birth add
whereabouts add profile views 10526

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