Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z

Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z

horse, Zangersheide riding horse, Stallion (approved), 2013

rimondo Insights

Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z, an impressive Zangersheide stallion born in 2013, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. Under the saddle of Frederic Vernaet, he has achieved over 10 placings in challenging show jumping competitions up to the 155 cm class. His sporting career showcases his versatility and ability to excel in high-caliber competitions.

In breeding, Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z has already produced over 20 offspring, including approved stallions like Tout de Suite and Pavarotti van de Schutskooi. Particularly noteworthy is Amethyst HS, who was awarded as the 1st reserve champion stallion, highlighting Amadeo's outstanding genetic influence.

His sire, Asca Z, a Holsteiner stallion, has also left a significant mark in breeding with over 230 offspring. With Carthago as the dam's sire, one of the most influential Holsteiner stallions, Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z is genetically well-positioned to continue achieving success in both sport and breeding.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z

Tilleman & Lenaerts Horses

Nederland : De Radstake - Fam. Venderbosch Twente route 8 NL Heelweg Tel: +31 315 24 37 38 Fax: +31 315 24 33 83 Email: Deutschland : Gestüt "Auf der Held" - Zimmer J-M. Baumberg 26 D-54597 Plütscheid Tel: +49 173 173 37 83 Fax: +49 65 54 90 09 856 Email: France : Haras de Talma Mme Petit Joy Tel: +33 628 45 35 99 E-mail:

VETART Semen Storage & Distribution GmbH

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Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 1500 €


jumper Uruguay (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2006, from Untouchable)


jumper Armani Sl Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2008, from Asca Z)

Armani Sl Z

jumper Bacara D'Archonfosse (Swedish Warmblood, 2007, from Asca Z)

Bacara D'Archonfosse

jumper Almeria Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2008, from Asca Z)

Almeria Z

Show all siblings


jumper Allegro Z 4 (Zangersheide riding horse, 2018, from Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z)

Allegro Z 4

jumper Amadea Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2018, from Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z)

Amadea Z

jumper Twilight V. T' Recht Eind (Belgian Warmblood, 2019, from Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z)

Twilight V. T' Recht Eind

jumper Twilight V. D. Kooldries (Belgian Warmblood, 2019, from Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z)

Twilight V. D. Kooldries

Show all 26 children

Base data

name (International) Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z name (DE) Amadeo Van't Vossenhof Z
sportname (International) Amadeo van 't Vossenhof Z breeding name (DE) Amadeo van't Vossenhof Z
UELN 056015Z55616113 National-ID BEL015Z55616113
FEI-ID 106RT45 gender Stallion
breed Zangersheide riding horse type horse
born 05/02/2013 shoulder height 170 cm
colour brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Asca Z
Mother Caloma II Z father of mother Carthago
Place of birth Belgium, Add city whereabouts add
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