Inkan Päivänsäde

Inkan Päivänsäde

pony, Pony without race, Mare, 2004


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name (DE) Inkan Päivänsäde UELN 24600100T041002
National-ID FIN00100T041002 gender Mare
breed Pony without race description type pony
born 04/05/2004 Day of death 08/13/2017
shoulder height add colour grey fox
discipline Springen mainly used for sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Ali Aff Arafat Mother Inka S.K.
father of mother Vinkaus 1.22,5a Place of birth Finland, Raija Kuortti & Jani Lappalainen, Vantaa
whereabouts Finland, T.Alaoja & J.Lappalainen & S.Sacklin field test add
station test add profile views 98


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