Eiris Blue Eyes 301 C

Eiris Blue Eyes 301 C

pony, Connemara-Pony, Mare, 1999


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Base data

name (DE) Eiris Blue Eyes 301 C UELN 24600100P991331
National-ID FIN00100P991331 gender Mare
breed Connemara Pony type pony
born 06/07/1999 shoulder height add
colour Cremello discipline Dressur, Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Ard Ri Cunga 11 IC
Mother Hagens Olivia 157 IC father of mother Hagens Jaguar
Place of birth Finland, Maria & Riku Lahtinen, Joutseno whereabouts Finland, Tanja Aaltonen, Lahti
field test add station test add
profile views 173


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