Fergus du Maley CH
Fergus du Maley CH
horse, Swiss Warmblood, Gelding, 1999
- horse
- Swiss Warmblood
- Gelding
- 1999
Show all 2 videosTournament results
Corin Koch | Concours Hippique Zuoz 2018 |
Corin Koch | Concours Hippique Zuoz 2018 |
Corin Koch | Reitturnier Volketswil 2018 |
Base data
name (CH) | Fergus du Maley CH | sportname (CH) | Fergus du Maley CH |
UELN | 756018001127414 | National-ID | CHE018001127414 |
FEI-ID | 105GK25 | Swiss ID | 75595 |
gender | Gelding | breed | Swiss Warmblood |
type | horse | born | 02/12/1999 |
shoulder height | add | colour | brown |
discipline | Springen, Dressur | mainly used for | sportshorse |
riding club, association | add | Awards | add |
Father | Wandango | Mother | Melodie du Maley CH |
father of mother | Wagenaar | Place of birth | add |
whereabouts | add | profile views | 268 |