Miss Harley Quinn W
Miss Harley Quinn W
pony, German Riding Pony, Staatsprämienstute, 2018
- pony
- German Riding Pony
- Staatsprämienstute
- 2018
Breed events
NRW Stuten-und Fohlenchampionat 2021 | Ina Wittmann |
Stuten- und Fohlenschau in Drolshagen 2018 | Ina Wittmann |
Success evaluation
Base data
name (DE) | Miss Harley Quinn W | sportname (DE) | Miss Harley Quinn W |
breeding name (DE) | My Golden Sunshine IW | UELN | 276435350153418 |
National-ID | DE 435350153418 | gender | Mare |
breed | German Riding Pony | type | pony |
born | 05/28/2018 | shoulder height | 148 cm |
colour | palomino | discipline | Dressur |
mainly used for | stud horse, sportshorse | riding club, association | Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch e.V. |
Awards | Staatsprämienstute | Father | FS Mr. President |
Mother | FS Nikita | father of mother | Fs Numero Uno |
Breeder | Ina Wittmann | Place of birth | Germany, 59199 Bönen |
whereabouts | Germany, NRW | field test | not completed |
station test | not completed | profile views | 1386 |