Tournament results
Trine Bluhme Nielsen | Reitturnier Münster-Handorf 2020 |
Breed events
Trakehner Hengstmarkt 2019 - Körung und Auktion | Gestüt Hof Heitholm, Rainer Kasch |
Base data
name (DE) | Ironheart | UELN | 276409090112617 |
National-ID | DE 409090112617 | gender | Stallion |
breed | Trakehner | type | horse |
born | 05/20/2017 | shoulder height | 163 cm |
colour | black | discipline | Dressur |
mainly used for | sportshorse | riding club, association | add |
Awards | add | Father | Intarsio |
Mother | Isola Negra | father of mother | Lauries Crusador xx |
Breeder | Gestüt Hof Heitholm, Rainer Kasch | Place of birth | Germany, Add city |
whereabouts | Germany, Add city | profile views | 1089 |