Niagara de Wisbecq (+)
Niagara de Wisbecq (+)
horse, Belgium Sporthorse, Mare, 1997
- horse
- Belgium Sporthorse
- Mare
- 1997
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Base data
name (CH) | Niagara de Wisbecq (+) | sportname (CH) | Niagara de Wisbecq (+) |
breeding name (BE) | Niagara Wisbecq | FEI-ID | 102VH04 |
Swiss ID | 65559 | gender | Mare |
breed | Belgium Sporthorse | type | horse |
born | 07/15/1997 | shoulder height | add |
colour | dark brown | discipline | Springen |
mainly used for | sportshorse | riding club, association | add |
Awards | add | Father | Joly St. Hubert |
Mother | Risque Tout | father of mother | Landwind |
Place of birth | add | whereabouts | add |
field test | add | station test | add |
profile views | 531 |