Quadriga's Dr. Summer

Quadriga's Dr. Summer

horse, Oldenburger, Gelding, 2012

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dressage horse Dr.Summer (Oldenburg, 2011, from Dr. Jackson D)


stallion Fürst Sandro (Oldenburg, 2016, from Fürsten-Look)

Fürst Sandro

broodmare Belissima (Oldenburg, 2014, from Belissimo NRW)


dressage horse Danseur (Württemberger, 2000, from Dr. Jackson D)


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Base data

name (DE) Quadriga's Dr. Summer sportname (DE) Quadriga's Dr. Summer
UELN 276433330245812 National-ID DE 433330245812
gender Gelding breed Oldenburg
type horse born 01/01/2012
shoulder height 180 cm colour dark brown
discipline Dressur mainly used for sportshorse
riding club, association Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. Awards add
Father Dr. Jackson D Mother Summer Hit 3
father of mother Sandro Hit Breeder Marion Hartmann
Place of birth Germany, 01471 Radeburg whereabouts Germany, Radeburg
profile views 2892
Big dressage gelding with Championship quality ideal for the young rider tour Lovely dressage gelding ideal for tall rider. Dark brown Oldenburger gelding 2012 by Dr. Jackson/Sandro Hit/Rubinstein appr. 180cm. Winner in the first, second and 3rd dressage level . Already in his first S dressage show high placed in 9/2021. Absolut lovely gelding with potenzial für the great dressage arena-. Video M Dressage bei youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M6VfY9Osq4 Video first S Dressage lessons bei youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMRkyIlMC-g Also he loves it to make a jump and through his nice character he is also a good friend for all days  Loves also pleasure riding and is easy to hack. Price over 100.000 Euro Breed and located in Germany (Hannover) www.dressagehorse-quadria.com
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