Solero Mio (5,86% ox)

Solero Mio (5,86% ox)

pony, Edelbluthaflinger, Gelding, 2016


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Base data

name (DE) Solero Mio (5,86% ox) gender Gelding
breed Edelbluthaflinger type pony
born 03/28/2016 shoulder height 143 cm
colour Fox light longhair discipline add
mainly used for free time horse riding club, association Verband der Pony- und Kleinpferdezüchter Hannover
Awards add Father Sole Mio (4,69% ox)
Mother Omira (7,03% ox) father of mother Amor (7,81% ox)
Place of birth Germany, 27632 Midlum whereabouts Germany, 28857 Syke
profile views 389


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