Jussilan Golden Prince

Jussilan Golden Prince

pony, Pony without race, Stallion, 2001


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Base data

name (DE) Jussilan Golden Prince UELN 24600100P011183
National-ID FIN00100P011183 gender Stallion
breed Pony without race description type pony
born 05/04/2001 Day of death 12/09/2009
shoulder height add colour buckskin
discipline Dressur mainly used for sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Golddigger Laddie 9 C Mother Malvina
father of mother Nolik Place of birth Finland, Maarit Hämäläinen & Katri Jussila, Elimäki
whereabouts Finland, Katri Jussila profile views 84


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