Kassy SF-2275 (Kassy 1.24,7a)

Kassy SF-2275 (Kassy 1.24,7a)

horse, American Trotter, Mare, 1971


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Base data

name (DE) Kassy SF-2275 sportname (DE) Kassy 1.24,7a
breeding name (DE) Kassy gender Mare
breed American Trotter type horse
born 03/19/1971 shoulder height add
colour brown discipline add
mainly used for add riding club, association add
Awards add Father Memento US-92615
Mother Kaza S-8830 father of mother Bobby Boy S-2925
Place of birth Sweden, Allan Keldergard, Hemse whereabouts Finland, Juhani Sundström & Iivari Kivilä
field test add station test add
profile views 58


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