Noltes Küchengirl

Noltes Küchengirl

horse, unknown, Mare, 1997

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horse Lord's Queen (Bavarian, 2002, from Lord Z)

Lord's Queen

broodmare Lana (Oldenburg, 2001, from Ladinos)


horse Clayton (Bavarian, 1993, from Classiker)


jumper Laith (Hanoverian, 2007, from Lord Z)


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stallion Comme Sa Mere (Westphalian, 2015, from Comme il Faut)

Comme Sa Mere

jumper Plot's Princess (Westphalian, 2016, from Plot Blue)

Plot's Princess

jumper For George (Westphalian, 2017, from For Pleasure)

For George

jumper San Classic (Westphalian, 2018, from Sandro Boy)

San Classic

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Base data

name (International) Noltes Küchengirl name (DE) Lord's Fantastic Mouse
sportname (International, DE) Noltes Küchengirl breeding name (DE) Noltes Küchengirl
UELN 276381812590197 National-ID DE 381812590197
FEI-ID GER24879 gender Mare
breed Bavarian type horse
born 08/05/1997 Day of death 11/05/2023
shoulder height 176 cm colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchter e.V. Awards add
Father Lord Z Mother Andante
father of mother Cambridge Cole Breeder Schmid, Eva-Maria
Place of birth Germany, Utting am Ammersee whereabouts Germany, Borken
field test add station test add
profile views 27596

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