A.S. Éclat

A.S. Éclat

pony, Welsh Pony (Sek.B), Mare, 1991


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broodmare A.S. La Luna 71 W (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 1999, from Casnewydd Showman 7 W)

A.S. La Luna 71 W

broodmare A.S. Fanta (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 1992, from IJsselvliedt's Victory 6 W)

A.S. Fanta

horse A.S. Kashmir King (Welsh Partbred, 1998, from Al Jawf ox STS)

A.S. Kashmir King

broodmare A.S. Indy 61 W (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 1996, from IJsselvliedt's Victory 6 W)

A.S. Indy 61 W

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broodmare Amin Esmeralda 60 W (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 1999, from Peacock 8 W)

Amin Esmeralda 60 W

horse J.N. Jaromic (Welsh Partbred, 1997, from Piran)

J.N. Jaromic

horse Lönnbackens Adam (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 2000, from Downland Ensign 12 W)

Lönnbackens Adam

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Base data

name (DE) A.S. Éclat UELN 24600100P911371
National-ID FIN00100P911371 gender Mare
breed Welsh-Pony (Section B) type pony
born 06/15/1991 Day of death 12/27/2011
shoulder height add colour trout mold
discipline add mainly used for stud horse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Bohemo Pascha 5 W Mother Köhls Lucyanna 22 W
father of mother Wärnanäs Peng Place of birth Finland, Arto Sipilä, Nurmijärvi
whereabouts Finland, Laura & Vilma Saarela, Lohja field test add
station test add profile views 204


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