Fantastic Synphonie HL
Fantastic Synphonie HL
horse, German Sport Horse, Verbandsprämienstute, 2017
- horse
- German Sport Horse
- Verbandsprämienstute
- 2017
Success evaluation
Base data
name (DE) | Fantastic Synphonie HL | UELN | 276455550111717 |
National-ID | DE 455550111717 | gender | Mare |
breed | German Sport Horse | type | horse |
born | 05/11/2017 | shoulder height | add |
colour | brown | discipline | add |
mainly used for | stud horse | riding club, association | Pferdezuchtverband Sachsen-Thüringen e.V. |
Awards | Verbandsprämienstute | Father | Fürstenstern 3 |
Mother | Franka | father of mother | Planitz |
Breeder | Heiko Lienemann | Place of birth | Germany, 08223 Grünbach |
whereabouts | Germany, 08223 Grünbach | field test | 6.94 |
station test | not completed | profile views | 660 |